Б’ART: Bishkek Art Center

1 Karasaeva str. 720031 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Tel.+ 996312 531785,590641
E-mail: bishkekartcenter@gmail.com


Б’Art: Bishkek Art Center was founded to develop Contemporary Art in Kyrgyzstan. An important aim of the Б’Art: is the development of an open and universal creative space that will cultivate creative collaboration and cultural connections between artists, creative stakeholders, and local communities in Kyrgyzstan and different countries. Particular focus is given to promoting innovative projects between established and young artists who work in the fields of traditional and contemporary art.

Noteworthy Exhibitions:

“Rain Man” Exhibition featuring the works of the mentally disabled to shed light on their value as creative beings and significant contributors to Kyrgyz society.

“Transit-South Pole” - International Art Exhibition .
As the second phase of the International Art Symposium, Transit- South Pole was curated by Shaarbek Amankul to expand the cultural connections between Central Asian countries and the rest of the international art community around the pervasive, cultural and social issues that mark migration. Artists from Central Asia, Europe, Baltica, and North America participated in this exhibition.

“Birds of Happiness” Exhibition featuring creative works of local children from art magnet school. Works were based on the Blue Bird which is a childhood symbol for happiness in Kyrygzstan.

Social Enterprise Initiatives:

ArtRemedy Youth Series is a 10 month art intervention weekly workshop hosted by Б’Art to encourage disadvantaged children from area orphanages to uncover their creative abilities and improve their sense of self and hope the future.


“Janyl Myrza in New York” - Exhibition of photographs by Margaret Morton (USA). Morton’s photographs document scenes from the theatre production of Janyl, created by Yara Arts Group (USA) and Sakhna Theatre (Kyrgyz Republic) at La MaMa Experimental Theatre in New York City in March 2007.

Janyl Myrza theatre production. The culmination of a year long, creative collaboration between Yara Arts Group of New York and Sakhna Theatre of Bishkek. Janyl Myrza is a modern interpretation of a 17th century Kyrgyz epic about a woman warrior. Returning to Janyl’s homeland, the show also performed in Naryn City and Kara Suu village.

Public Art Workshop: As a part of the CEC ArtsLink Visual Arts Exchange program, Kendal Henry & Ji Lee, public art experts from New York, conducted a weeklong public art workshop with local young artists to develop individual public art projects that were featured in a Public Art Courtyard Exhibition at Б’Art.

The Next Generation Public Art Competition calls for local artists to design, fabricate and install a public artwork on the premises of Б’Art: Bishkek Art Center. Public Art consultant, Kendal Henry will return to Б’Art to conduct a 3 day workshop on developing a proposal of artwork for the competition.

ASHU International Artist Retreat Program (AIAR):
AIAR provides a one month creative retreat for Central Asian and other Visual Artists from around the world to maximize exchange between local and international artists, stimulate new ideas, encourage experimentation in Kyrgyzstan. Uzbek, German, and American artists opened the program this summer.

Cultural Competence and Civility Community Outreach (CCCACO) is a year-long, country-wide, multi-media, arts dialogue initiative aimed at raising public awareness regarding the ongoing issues with cross ethnic relations and promoting the need for a positive change in attitudes and social practices among individuals and their communities.
